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Prospex Institute
Feb 19, 2019
Citizen participation in the Middle East
Facilitating dialogue between stakeholders and empowering citizens to have their say in decision-making processes is a key mission for...

Prospex Institute
Feb 7, 2019
1st Citizen Lab on Rare Earth Elements in UK
As part of the SecREEts Public engagement strategy, Prospex Institute will facilitate Citizen Labs in different locations where SecREEts...

Prospex Institute
Feb 5, 2019
SecREEts 6-month General Meeting
Six months after the kick off of the SecREEts project, partners gathered on 22-23 November 2018 in Porsgrunn, Norway, for their bi-yearly...

Prospex Institute
Nov 2, 2018
Closing the loop: PI presents work on textile circularity to the recycling industry
What is next for the textile and fibre recycling industries? While the circular economy thinking is gaining strength, new technologies...

Prospex Institute
Jul 31, 2018
How can CSOs in South East Europe participate more actively in the decision-making proces?
How can civil society in South Eastern Europe participate more actively in the decision-making processes? This was the central topic of...

Prospex Institute
Jul 10, 2018
Talking Textiles: Engaging with young consumers on the life-cycle of our clothes
The global fashion and textiles industry is taking steps towards a circular economy system. In the process, it becomes increasingly clear...

Prospex Institute
Jun 7, 2018
The Value Chain Workshop, Second Edition
On 22nd and 23rd of March Prospex Institute organised the second Value-Chain Workshop in Lyon. Regrouping stakeholders from across the...

Prospex Institute
May 18, 2018
STORY 7th General Meeting
On the 17th of April 2018, the STORY consortium got together in Finland for the 7th General Meeting of the project. These General...

Prospex Institute
Feb 1, 2018
Resyntex Value Chain Workshops: where textile and chemical industries intersectÂ
The circular economy is becoming real – through projects like Resyntex, funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme. Prospex Institute...
Our Mission
Decisions for society need to be taken in consultation, participation & co-creation with those affected by it.
Prospex Institute helps to make this happen. We promote the participation of citizens & stakeholders in dialogue & decision-making processes of relevance for society.

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