Prospex Institute for

SYNERGIES - Introducing a reference Energy Data Space Implementation
Leveraging on data and intelligence coming from diverse energy actors (prioritizing on consumers and introducing them as data owners/ providers) and coupled sectors (buildings, mobility) and effectively making them reachable and widely accessible, SYNERGIES will unleash the data-driven innovation and sharing potential across the European energy data value chain.
Prospex Institute's Role
To make this happen, Prospex Institute, provides stakeholder mapping and organizes both B2B and B2C Living Labs throughout the European Union (with consumers and experts in the industry) to capture all the relevant stakeholders' input and to facilitate co-creation processes.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101069839.

Our Mission
Decisions for society need to be taken in consultation & participation with those affected by it.
Prospex Institute helps to make this happen. We promote the participation of citizens & stakeholders in dialogue & decision-making processes of relevance for society.