Prospex Institute for

STORY: the added value of STORage in distribution sYstems
STORY is about energy storage. By demonstrating where energy storage systems could be used and in what way the project will provide indications about the costs, the benefits and especially about how sensitive they are to the main technology, market, policy and regulatory factors that are uncertain today in order to allow stakeholders to have a better understanding of how the future of energy storage might look like.
During the project, eight demonstrations will be set up in order to assess the added value of storage in the low and medium voltage grid, and to measure potential market models, policy and regulation options. The demonstrations will take place in five states, i.e. Belgium, Germany, Northern Ireland, Spain and Slovenia. They cover both industrial and residential environments, from building scale to district scale. At the end of the project, recommendations will be provided towards policymakers to facilitate their market uptake.
Prospex Institute's Role
Prospex Institute is involved in multiple work packages and plays an important role in STORY’s stakeholder engagement, knowledge sharing within STORY between partners, and setting the stage for constructive collaboration across Horizon2020 projects.
PI’s main activities lie firstly in designing and facilitating the European and national stakeholder workshops, focusing on market, policy, regulatory and consumer issues that have a direct influence on the roll-out of storage and smart grids in a European setting. PI’s method for mapping and selecting stakeholders, will allow for a varied representation of critical stakeholders from key sectors, including from business, policy and civil society. In combination with PI’s expertise in participatory processes, these interactive workshops will enable rich and varied inputs, identifying opportunities for new storage concepts and smart grid developments, the barriers this sector faces and the critical actions required to overcome them.
In addition, PI will enable and facilitate a cross-project dialogue between several Horizon2020 projects focusing on energy storage and smart grids, providing a forum for knowledge sharing in order to developed shared recommendations. Want to learn more about the project? Follow STORY via the official website & Twitter and watch the animation below.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 646426.

Our Mission
Decisions for society need to be taken in consultation & participation with those affected by it.
Prospex Institute helps to make this happen. We promote the participation of citizens & stakeholders in dialogue & decision-making processes of relevance for society.