Prospex Institute for

SecREEts: Secure European Critical Rare Earth Elements
Rare Earth Elements (REE) are crucial components of a range of technologies, such as electric vehicles, communication technologies and storage of renewable energy. Securing a sustainable access to such critical raw materials is of key significance for Europe’s economy and industry.
The H2020-project SecREEts develops a pilot process to extract, separate and transform REEs in Europe, based on the sustainable extraction of REE as a by-product from apatite sources for fertiliser production. The rare earth metals will be supplied to application areas such as electric vehicles, industrial motors and wind turbines. SecREEts demonstrates a new value chain for the innovative and sustainable extraction and refining of REE in Europe.
Prospex Institute's Role
Prospex Institute leads the project’s engagement with the public and with key stakeholders from policy, research and business communities working with REE. Prospex Institute carries out a systematic stakeholder analysis and will gather diverse groups of experts in an annual Policy Council, providing a forum to discuss issues such as security of supply, environmental and social standards, international trade and European policy-making to facilitate the sustainable sourcing and refining of REE in Europe. But also citizens and communities have a role to play in the project.
Prospex Institute will design and organise Citizen Labs in the vicinity of SecREEts’ pilot sites. This way, local community actors as well as media will receive transparent information on the project and will have the opportunity to examine the project’s social and environmental implications and express their views on these. By opening up the fora for open and accountable debate, Prospex Institute will facilitate a meaningful exchange between the SecREEts-project and the community as well as stakeholder environment it is embedded in.
Want to learn more about SecREEts? To visit the official website of the project, click here.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 776559.

Our Mission
Decisions for society need to be taken in consultation & participation with those affected by it.
Prospex Institute helps to make this happen. We promote the participation of citizens & stakeholders in dialogue & decision-making processes of relevance for society.