Key fashion, textile and waste management participants in Prato, Italy took part in the fourth and final RESYNTEX stakeholder workshop event on Thursday 6th April 2017, as part of the ‘stakeholder mapping’ stage of the research project. Attendees of the event at the Chamber of Commerce in Prato were hosted by RESYNTEX partners from Prospex Institute, Biochemtex, Dettin and Manchester Metropolitan University.
Participants were then encouraged to stay in touch with project to keep abreast of further developments involving the next stage of citizen research, and to attend the 6th International Fibre Recycling Symposium in Manchester to receive a fuller outline of all stakeholder outcomes and RESYNTEX partner research. Partners from Prospex Institute and Manchester Metropolitan University also visited local radio station Radio Italia Cina in order to reach out and connect with any international textile and garment stakeholders operating in the local Prato area.