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Prospex Institute for



Expert support in raising awareness of stakeholders on the issue of electric and magnetic fields at the transition of the 220 kV Beričevo-Divača network to 400 kV

A project commissioned by the leading Slovenian electricity transmission company, ELES, and bringing together a diverse range of key experts to review the state-of-the-art knowledge concerning the impact of electric and magnetic fields (EMF) on health and possible mitigation measures, and to effectively share this knowledge with key institutional stakeholders responsible for permits and planning for construction of high voltage transmission lines. In the project the concept of the precautionary principle will be articulated as a framework to balance the management of potential risks associated with EMF and the growing demand for construction and refurbishment of energy infrastructure in order to meet the sustainable energy transition plans envisaged within the European Green Deal.


Prospex Institute's Role


Within the project Prospex Institute will take a leading role in mapping and engaging key institutional stakeholders. Stakeholders will be invited to participate on an Advisory Board, chaired by Prospex Institute, and run in the form of interactive workshops, in which stakeholders will be informed by the diverse experts within the project about the state of knowledge regarding EMF. While the workshops designed and moderated by Prospex Institute will also capture stakeholders’ perspectives and provide the platform for the Advisory Board to outline recommendations for ELES regarding EMF issues and the planned upgrading of transition lines between Beričevo-Divača.

Our Mission

Decisions for society need to be taken in consultation & participation with those affected by it.


Prospex Institute helps to make this happen. We promote the participation of citizens & stakeholders in dialogue & decision-making processes of relevance for society.

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